

You can refer to this tool in any formula, macro, module, or other script in Blockpad. You can use either its name or its full path:

  • To refer to it by name, use NameProperty (make sure the library Library.Tools.Properties is included with Include Libaries)
  • To refer to it by its full path, use Library.Tools.Properties.NameProperty


See also:

The Name property is the reference name of a value object, section, table region, block or frame.

Names for referencing values

Blockpad's value referencing system uses names and cell references (E5, R33, AC3) to reference values in formulas. The Name property applies to value objects (value cells, text labels, and value fields) and to objects that organize or hold values (frames, sections, blocks, and table regions).

Name an object, generally:
  1. Select the object.
  2. Open the properties window.
  3. Under Object, click Name.
  4. Type in a name.
  5. Press the enter key.
    • Press the esc key to cancel naming.

This process works for every object that has the Name property, but there are additional methods for different kinds of objects.

Name a value object using a formula:***
  1. Edit a value object and insert a formula.
    • A formula is specified by an equals sign at the beginning of a value object.
  2. Type the name, an equals sign, and then the value or calculation.
    • Example: Length = 12 ft + 4 ft
  3. Press the enter key.

Note that if a value object is named this way, the Name property in the properties window shows the name. From this point, you can change the name from the formula or from the properties window, and the other will update.

***A value object is a value cell, text label, linear dimension, or value field.
Name a top-level frame:
  1. Double click the top-level frames in the list on the left of the screen.
  2. Type in the name.
  3. Press the enter key.
    • Press the esc key to cancel naming.
  • You can rename objects and any reference to them will be updated with the new name.
  • In a value object, the show name property controls the visibility of the name.
  • While a cell reference (B7, E22, etc) can be used to reference a value in a cell, it is different than the name of the cell.
  • Some objects (mostly frames) also have a Title property. This is a display name, but it's not used to reference values.
  • Some objects have a name auto-assigned on creation (reports, tables, etc) and some have names auto-assigned when you reference them with clicking or copy reference (linear dimensions, text labels, etc).
See also: