

You can refer to this tool in any formula, macro, module, or other script in Blockpad. You can use either its name or its full path:

  • To refer to it by name, use FilterTool (make sure the library Library.Tools.Table is included with Include Libaries)
  • To refer to it by its full path, use Library.Tools.Table.FilterTool


See also:

With the filter tool, you can hide rows of a selection of spreadsheet cells by specifying a keep function.

The filter tool works by using a keep function.

  • The keep function specifies what rows to "keep" and which to hide based on the values in the column you filter by.
  • The keep function must be a "testing" function. I.e. it must compare the function variable to some other value with the testing operators: <, >, ==, <=, or >=.
  • The keep function can be a named function in the document or an in-line function in the sort tool.
  • Keep functions can take the simple form of (test operator)(value). For example, >10 kg, <Length, and =="Samwise" all work as keep functions.

Note that the filter tool applies the filter only once, it does not continue to filter as values change. However, the same filter can be run again as values change.

There are 2 modes for filtering:
  • Filtering a structured Named Table Region
  • Filtering any selected cell range of a table or spreadsheet.
Filter a structured region:
  1. Select any cell or cells in the region.
  2. In the toolbar, select Table>Filter.
  3. Choose a column to filter by.
  4. Enter a Keep-Function.
  5. Click Ok.

To clear this filter, follow the steps above, but make the keep function empty.

Filter any cell selection:
  1. Select range of cells to sort, excluding headers.
  2. In the toolbar, select Table>Filter.
  3. Choose a column to filter by.
  4. Enter a Keep-Function.
  5. Click Ok.

To clear this filter, follow the steps above, but make the keep function empty.

See also: