

You can refer to this tool in any formula, macro, module, or other script in Blockpad. You can use either its name or its full path:

  • To refer to it by name, use GoToReferenceInNewWindowTool (make sure the library Library.Tools.Formulas is included with Include Libaries)
  • To refer to it by its full path, use Library.Tools.Formulas.GoToReferenceInNewWindowTool


See also:

The Go to Reference in New Window tool brings you to the location of a formula reference, opened in a new Blockpad window. It's the same as Go to Reference, except that it opens a new window.

Formula references are the value names and cell coordinates (C4, etc) that you type into a formula to use that value in calculations. With Go to Reference in New Window, you can jump to where that value is defined, so you don't have to dig around a Blockpad file looking for it.

Jump to a referenced value in a new window:
  1. In a formula, select the value reference (or put text cursor inside the value reference).
  2. In the toolbar, go to Formula>Go to Reference in New Window.
  • The formula will stay open in the original window after you jump to the reference.
See also: