Known Issues and Workarounds

Page modified 2024-02-25
As of version 1.5.0 (February 2024):
  • Copy and paste between Blockpad and other programs is mostly limited to text and images.
  • For solving non-linear equations, solver sections are limited in how well they determine default units. You can get around this by setting initial guess to desired unit.
  • Charts inserted from a spreadsheet are placed in their own tab, as opposed to floating over the spreadsheet. To get a chart to float over the spreadsheet as in other spreadsheet applications, you can insert it in its own tab first, then copy the chart (right click the tab, then click Copy), then draw a textbox over the spreadsheet and copy the chart into the textbox.
  • With floating content over reports and spreadsheets, it is not yet possible to draw in the margins of pages.
  • & operator does not yet work as string concat, but you can use + instead.
  • Up and down keys are not working correctly within textboxes.
  • In the Excel add-in, most toolbar buttons are currently disabled. The custom Blockpad function in Excel continues to work, as do any Excel files already created with Blockpad block tables. As a workaround, you can create Excel block tables through the Blockpad app.

Also, for the Mac app and web app:

  • Although the number of rows allowed is a spreadsheet is 1,048,576, only around the first 200,000 are currently visible through the application.
  • The Ctrl+\ shortcut to insert symbols does not yet work.
  • The Mac app does not yet have automatic updates. Please check the download page from time to time for updates.