Function |
TextSplit2(rowDelimiter, colDelimiter, text)
TextSplit2 is included by default in each file as part of the Text library.
See also:
The TextSplit2() function transforms a text value into a two dimensional array by splitting the text into array items wherever one of the two specified delimiters is found.
The column delimiter will split the text into the next column, and the row delimiter will split the text into a new row. Note that the delimiters are not included in the array items.
TextSplit() works similarly, but it splits the text into a one dimensional array using only one delimiter.
TextSplit2("+", ":", "A:B:C+D:E:F") = ["A", "B", "C"; "D", "E", "F"]
TextSplit2("! ", " ", "Good morning! Hello, good morning") = ["Good", "morning"; "Hello,", "good", "morning"]