Function |
Round(value, digits)
Round is included by default in each file as part of the Math library.
See also:
The Round() function returns a number rounded to a given decimal point. It will round the number up or down appropriately.
If nothing is provided for the decimal point, 0 is assumed.
The number result given by Round() is a new number stored at that value, as opposed to rounding with value formatting, which only changes how a number is displayed.
Round() treats rounding up as rounding away from 0.
For example, Round(-7.9) = -8
and Round(-7.2) = -7
Numbers with units will be rounded based on those units. This means that the unit a number has at the point of calculation will affect the answer.
For example, Round(5.8ft)
and Round(5.8 ft to mm)
will return values that are not equal.
Round(1.8) = 2
Round(1.2) = 1
Round(-1.8) = -2
Round(1.8888, 2) = 1.89
Round(1.8888, 3) = 1.889
Round(45183.1, -2) = 45200
Round(3.2 ft) = 3ft
Round(3.2 ft to cm) = 98cm
Round(3.2 ft to cm) to ft = 3.215 ft
Related functions