

HlookupInterpolate(value, table, rowIndex)


HlookupInterpolate is included by default in each file as part of the Lookup library.


See also:


The HlookupInterpolate() function returns an interpolated result from a lookup value, a range, and an index to specify the result row. It works similarly to Hlookup() in conventional spreadsheets, but the result is interpolated instead of finding the closest matching value.

The first input is the lookup value, the second input is the range or array, and the third input is the index that indicates the return value row. The top row in the range input is used as the lookup row, and it must be in ascending order for HlookupInterpolate() to work properly.

HlookupInterpolate() works with units. If the units for the lookup value are different than (but compatible with) the units of the lookup row, Blockpad will automatically convert the units to find the right value.

HlookupInterpolate() is the row equivalent to VlookupInterpolate().

  • HlookupInterpolate(2.3, [2, 3, 4; 3, 4, 5], 2)  = 3.3
  • HlookupInterpolate(3.7, $C$3:$H$4, 2)  = 77